

 The Cascade du Heuchau

is located in the village of Le Ménil at an altitude of 550m. The start is the car park by the cemetery, on the outskirts of the village on the road to La Bresse. Cross the Grande Route. Follow the Chemin de la Cascade for 250m. Then turn left into Rue des Lieux Romains for 60m as far as the wooden picnic table. This pretty little waterfall sometimes runs dry in dry weather.


The Cascade de l’Ours (Baer Waterfall)

is located at an altitude of 850 m, on the heights of Bussang, not far from the Roche de l’Ours (rock climbing wall). The Access to the waterfall and the climbing rock of the same name is not possible from the top due to forestry work. The waterfall can be seen from the bend on the old Bouloie road.




The Saut du Loup (Wolf jump)

It is located on the commune of Rupt-sur-Moselle at the place called "Le Chêne".
To get there take the direction of Rupt-sur-Moselle at the roundabout of Ferdrupt, and a few meters later, on your right take the direction Fauconey until a blue bridge.
On this road take to the left the «le chemin de la Venny» and go up along the house, the one in front of number 27, until the road marked by a red circle which is on your right.
You will go under the road and continue to the sign indicating “Saut du loup à 40 m”.


We have several other waterfalls in our region. More informations in our offices.