The Kindergarten, commonly known as ‘Club Piou Piou’, is equipped with a free snow wire.
The area is closed to ensure the children's safety.
This facility can only be used with an ESF instructor.
Club Piou Piou is open all season!
Timetable for school holidays :
Kindergarten lessons: 5 lessons of 1 hour from Monday to Friday, mornings or afternoons.
Depending on demand, there may not be all levels in all time slots.
Registration at the kindergarten on site when you arrive Saturday afternoon, Sunday or Monday before the time of the chosen class.
Seasonal rates: Kindergarten (3 to 5 years inclusive) Club piou-piou: 134.00 € (test, badge and personalised number included)
We also offer 2 non-consecutive ½-hour lessons at a cost of €49 for one child, as part of a private lesson.
From Saturday 08 February to Saturday 08 March 2025
Every day
09:00 to 17:00
- Prices :
- 49 Minimum
- 134 Maximum