Emergency & Health

Vallée de la Moselle
    • Pharmacies
Several pharmacy are on the Moselle Valley : 1 in Bussang, 1 in Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle, 2 in Le Thillot, 1 in Ramonchamp and 2 in Rupt-sur-Moselle....
Vallée de la Moselle
    • Nurses
    • Doctors
Several health centers and medical practices are located throughout the valley. 4 doctors are working at Rupt -sur-Moselle, 7 at Le Thillot and 2 at ...
Vallée de la Moselle
    • Doctors
You are looking for : Physiotherapists - Osteopaths - Orthophonists - Opticians - Pedicurists - Podiatrists - Orthopedists .....find the contact ...
Vallée de la Moselle
    • Hospitals - A&E
    • Doctors
You will find some dentists : at Rupt-sur-Moselle as well as at Le Thillot. If needed, find their contact details on the attached and downloadable ...
Vallée de la Moselle
    • Hospitals - A&E
    • Doctors
MEDIGARDE: +33 (0)8 20 33 20 20 The goal is to put patients in contact with a liberal medical regulator who will provide an appropriate response, ...
Vallée de la Moselle
    • Nurses
Several nurses are working on the Valley : 2 nurses at Bussang who also practice at the Maison de Santé at Saint-Maurice-sur-Moselle, - 6 nurses at...